TFP Informa, No. 36, Bogotá, pág. 1-12
Sao Paulo, April 22, 1985
The Honorable Morton C. Blackwell
My dear friend,
As I write you, the funeral cortege of President-elect Tancredo Neves is on its way to São João del Rey, in Minas Gerais – the state that you visited.
At the same time, the leftists are doing all they can to throw Brazil into chaos, which could favor the implantation of a pre or semi-communist regime.
For our part, we are doing all we can to counter this. You can well imagine how all this burdens me with occupations and concerns.
Lamentably, this posed one more obstacle to the preparation of my speech to the inspiring and important congress that you are promoting as an exponent of the New Right. In short, I was unable to spend as much time preparing my contribution to the meeting as I would like to have spent. The result is – quite paradoxically – that I made it longer than I would have wanted (“I didn’t have time to write little,” an intellectual from bygone days once lamented).
So I ask your amiable understanding for this fact. And wishing a brilliant success to you and the other lecturers,
I remain
With cordial friendship,
Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
Revista “Catolicismo” (junio 1985), dónde fue publicado el texto en portugués del Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira y que sigue abajo en su versión al castellano