Introduction to the first North American Edition of “Revolution and Counter-Revolution” (1972)


Presenting this book to the North American public, I do so with the conviction that the events which have occurred from 1959 — the year in which the first Brazilian edition was published — up to the present, have singularly enhanced the actuality of the concepts contained herein.

In effect, the “progressivist” crisis, which in 1959 evi­denced in the majority of countries symptoms which were still minor, developed rapidly, and at present devastates Catholic milieus of the entire world, as well as making itself felt in the other religions.

Directed especially to Catholics, “Revolution and Counter-Revolution” helps the latter to defend themselves against “progressivism,” which is nothing but the projection to the ecclesiastical sphere of the gnostic and equalitarian Revolution here described. In this sense, I expect of the book no small benefit for the United States, where I know those Catholics who are profoundly alarmed with the crisis of the Church and who are animated by the staunch decision of not allowing themselves to become infected, to be more nume­rous than what at first sight may possibly appear.

In Brazil, “Revolution and Counter-Revolution” was the starting point of a true Crusade against “progressivism” and communism, carried out by the Brazilian Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, which I founded with some friends in 1960. I hope that in the United States as well the book will help to awaken more and more the ideal of an anti-“progressivist” crusade.

Even though it will not be easy for various protestants to accept some of the perspectives in which I, as a Catholic, place myself, the book appears to me to be of a real useful­ness for them as well. In effect, after having read “Revolution and Counter-Revolution” protestants will be able, when argu­ing with “progressive” Catholics, to prove to them that they are in profound contradiction with the true thought of the Church. An adversary whose contradiction with himself is demonstrated, loses assurance in his positions and fruitfulness in his proselytism.

Cordially greeting, therefore, the readers of this book, it is my hope that this North American edition will do all the good that Divine Providence has caused it to bring about in the countries of America and of Europe where it is being continually edited and distributed.
