CALM’S GENTLE SUPERIORITY – Only a tranquil lake reflects the stars, Excerpts from the Thought of Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Collected by Leo Daniele

Originally published in Portuguese by Edições Brasil de Amanhã São Paulo, 2012 Selection, presentation and notes: Leo Daniele English translation by Jose A. Schelini Copy Editor of the Original Portuguese edition: Francisco Leoncio Cerqueira Layout: Luis Guillermo Arroyave Originally published by Edições Brasil de Amanhã Printing: Artpress   “Canticum Novum” Collection Excerpts from the thought […]

The Way of the Cross

by Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira       First Station Jesus Is Condemned to Death * We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee. – Because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world. The judge who committed the most monstrous professional crime in all history was not impelled to do so by […]


Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Gebet O schmerzhafte Mutter, in diesen Zeiten, in denen die große Mehrheit der Menschen die Opfer flieht, obwohl diese zur vollkommenen Erfüllung der Gebote und Weisungen Deines göttlichen Sohnes unerläßlich sind, erlange allen, die diesen Kreuzweg betrachten, die notwendige Kraft, ihr eigenes Kreuz bis hinauf auf Golgotha zu tragen.   I […]
