Pray for Us in These Times of Confusion, O Mother of Good Counsel

“Catolicismo”, N. 208-209 – April-May 1968 (*)   Does the devotion to the Mother of Good Counsel have any significance for our times? Undoubtedly, innumerable souls in our disturbed and afflicted times are in need of good counsel in some way or another. They could do nothing better than to implore the help of her, […]

Saint Anselm: The Beauty of God’s Surprising, Disconcerting and Mysterious Ways

Saint of the Day, April 20th 1967. Without revision of the Author   Statue of Saint Anselm outside Canterbury Cathedral Tomorrow, the 21st, we have the feast of St. Anselm of Canterbury (1033 ca. – 1109), Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church. Intrepid in the battles of the Faith, he defended the Church against […]

Saint Gemma Galgani: Dignity and Angelic Purity

Conference, January 17th 1986 (*) This photograph is of Saint Gemma Galgani (1878-1903), a famous mystic who lived in the enchanting town of Lucca, Italy. Her countenance is impressive for several reasons. First, we note her profound reflection and the harmony of her traits. Second, the saint’s gaze has something elevated and sublime about it. […]

How can the World hate Him who went about doing Good?

“Catolicismo”, April 1960 (*) HERE we see a picture by Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553), The Crowning of Thorns, preserved in the Museum of Ghent, Belgium. Five men gather around the Divine Redeemer, tied up and mockingly dressed in purple. In the foreground, a man offers Him a stick as a scepter, and at the […]
