What Is True Catholic Calm?

By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira MNF Meeting, September 25, 1986 “A Roman and Apostolic Catholic, the author of this text submits himself with filial devotion to the traditional teaching of Holy Church. However, if by an oversight anything is found in it at variance with that teaching, he immediately and categorically rejects it.”  The words […]

Saint Antoninus of Florence (May 10) and His Action Against the Renaissance

Saint of the Day, May 9, 1968 Tomorrow is the feast of Saint Antoninus, bishop, and confessor. He fought against the Renaissance in his diocese of Florence. A great friend of Fra Angelico, he was indicated by him for this diocese. Now comes Rohrbacher’s biography of St. Anthony: “Anthony was called Antoninus because of his […]

How Heresy Spreads and the Error of Relativism – Part I

Saint of the Day, October 4, 1975 In the history of the Church, we generally see that when a person is in contact with an idea violently opposed to what he professes, he has a certain facility to defend himself. On the contrary, when he is confronted with an idea only somewhat different from that […]

The Month of Mary

Excert of “Legionario”, May, 23th 1943 (*)   During the month of May —the month of Mary— we feel a special protection of Our Lady that extends to all the faithful; we feel a special joy that shines and illuminates our hearts expressing the universal certainty of Catholics that the indispensable patronage of our heavenly […]
