Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Spiritual Decoration vs. Materialist Decoration
"Catolicismo" N. 17 - May 1952 |
By no means. This is the tribune of the UN designed in accordance with a certain type of modern taste. On his feet, Andrei Gromyko, delegate of the USSR turns heavily toward the President, Percy Spender, to whom he declares that Russia will not sign the peace of San Francisco. Such is the level to which a certain “artistic” schools have reduced modern life.
In the Luxembourg Palace, the composition of the ambience took into consideration, not only the material and technical conveniences, but mainly the spiritual ones, by satisfying everything that the human spirit might require for the acts for which the hall is destined. It is a decoration made by men who believe in an immaterial soul. The tribune in which Gromyko speaks denies everything to the soul. It completely ignores the soul. It was constructed only in function of material conveniences. In a word, it is typically materialistic. Note: The preceding article has been translated and adapted for publication without the author's revision. –Ed. American TFP. |