The NCBB note on the Brazilian TFP:

Unfounded statements,

Biased and impassioned assessments





1997 The American TFP

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1. TFP encounters misunderstanding, animosity, and even hatred

2. The note of the NCBB

3. The note of TFP

4. How the NCBB's note was approved

5. The canonical scope of the NCBB's note

6. TFP and Canon Law

7. The supposed "lack of communion of TFP with the Church in Brazil, its hierarchy, and the Holy Father"

8. The legitimate right to differ from the Shepherds in secular matters

9. The "inconformity" of Brazilian bishops with a measure of the Holy See

10. Divisions in the Brazilian episcopate

11. The collaboration between TFP and members of the national episcopate and clergy

12. A study by the NCBB's Episcopal Commission on Doctrine

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