“Tradition, Family and Property”, January-February 1995 (www.tfp.org)


Plea to Her ­Majesty Queen Sophia of Spain


The Spanish TFP-Covadonga, facing the imminent discussion in the Cortes, Spain's legislature, of a pro­posed law that would widen the grounds for legalized abortion, has launched a cam­paign through its "S.O.S. Familia" association, asking all its associates, supporters, and the public in general to join in a plea addressed to Her Majesty the Queen, as a woman and mother, to make her august voice resound in the hearts of the legisla­tors.

The new excuse for abortion that the socialists want to add to the previous three is a woman's simple feeling that her pregnan­cy may cause personal. family, or social con­flict. For this she can decree the death penalty for her own child within the first trimester of pregnancy. Spain's Supreme Council of the Judiciary rejected this proposal as unconstitutional, hut the Minister of Justice declared that the government's ideology could not be replaced by the ideology of the Supreme Court and that the bill would be sent to the Cortes.

S.O.S. Familia estimated that 50,000 cards were received at the Palace of la Zarzuela in just the first few days of the cam­paign.


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Text of the letter sent to Her Majesty, Queen Sophia of Spain by more than 50,000 Spaniards


Your Majesty:


As a Catholic and a Spanish cit­izen I am concerned about the pro­posal under discussion in the Cortes to extend the grounds for legaliza­tion of abortion. I wish, then, with­out any intention of political partial­ity, to express my plea that Your Majesty intercede on behalf of those who are most in need of protection, the unborn, so that the voice of Your Majesty, as a woman and mother, resound, at this decisive moment for thousands of innocent children, in the hearts of the members of the Cortes to prevent the legalization of such a great sin, which could only withdraw God's blessings from our dear Spain.

As Your Majesty is the most rep­resentative woman in today's Spain and holds honorary positions in sev­eral associations in defense of child­hood, I feel certain that this plea will be well received by Your Majesty's royal and motherly heart.

May God bestow on Your Majesty the invaluable gift of His grace, as on His Majesty the King and the Royal Family.

Yours very respectfully,