Bulletin on the 15 TFPs, Vol. I – No. 8 – 1988, Pleasantville , N.Y.,  page 5


Clergy Supports TFP Protest


In face of the virtual nationalization of Peru 's banking system, the Peru­vian Tradition, Family and Property Nu­cleus has campaigned to stem the gradual socialization of that Andean nation. Let­ters supporting the TFP's position have come from over 130 ecclesiastical fig­ures, including three bishops.

Prior to the approval of the law last fall, the Peruvian TFP published an appeal to President Alan Garcia Perez in the nation's largest newspapers ask­ing that the bill be withdrawn. The two-page message titled A Frank and Re­spectful Statement on the Peruvian Situation: the Apprehensions, Desires and Hopes of the Country appeared in El Comercio and Expreso, both in Lima [ 3-9-1987 ], as well as Diario Correo of Are­quipa [ 6-9-1987 ]. Copies were also distributed dur­ing street campaigns in the country's major cities.

The TFP warns that this nationaliza­tion effort represents "the absorption of private functions by the state and the confiscation of private property," which would "mean the implanting of the col­lectivism foreseen by Marx in yet one more sector of Peruvian life."

The Peruvian TFP Nucleus received a letter of support for its initiative from the Most Reverend Otoniel Alcedo, bishop emeritus of Ayacucho and the Most Rev­erend Florencio Romani, bishop emeri­tus of Huancavelica. The TFP appeal and the bishops' letter, signed by 129 pri­ests, were published together in the same newspapers.

Praising the appeal's analysis, the sig­natories affirmed that it is not only the banks that are being restricted, but all aspects of social life, "representing the gradual installation of collectivism and totalitarianism."

A similar letter arrived from the Most Reverend Oscar Alzamora R., who pre­sented doctrinal and moral implications of the nationalization move.


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