Just for Essequibo?
by Professor Plinio Corrêa de
Oliveira (*)
I am imagining a small episode: A foreigner owns land
Days later, he finds another hill being formed
elsewhere on the property: surprise, fury, a new operation to raze the
unexpected and unaesthetic knob. Identical persecution of the
termites. A new "victory," a new euphoria.
But our foreigner asks himself if both ugly phenomena
do not have a common cause. As his eyes cover the considerable distance between
the two sites, he finds nothing that could link one hill to the other, and
utters a sigh of relief. There was nothing. And how could there have been
something between two termite hills so far apart?
The problem is that, besides being a foreigner unaware
of the mysterious world of termites and hills, he did not perceive that
termites have wings and thus can build new nests at considerable distances from
their homes.
* * *
For decades I have been an enthusiast of the idea of
our Luso-American country having increasingly closer
ties to its Hispano-American neighbors and, as the most practical and immediate
step, closer relationships among the Iberian peoples of
So, without going over the Falklands War issue, I
simply call to mind that communist action, cunningly working its way into the
field of Argentina's international interests, suddenly appeared in the
deceitful form of an offer of military aid. At the same time the little,
home-grown, extreme leftist groups which had been so persecuted and held back
until now, began to appear in collusions in the Casa Rosada
and in prominent foreign assignments. If the Argentine public, enlightened by
two lucid and skillfully written communiqués of the Argentine TFP, had not
bravely rejected communist collaboration, the country's modest communist
termite colony would have swollen unrestrainedly and attempted to change the
whole nation into a gigantic termite hill.
To what extremes could things have gone as a result of
the fact that
But, to say the least,
Is it possible that, already during the crisis over
the islands on the Beagle channel, the communists were looking for an
opportunity to start an all out war between Argentina and Chile and apply to
that military situation a maneuver similar to the one used in the Falkland
case: offering arms to one of the belligerent parties in exchange for succulent
political advantages for the local communist party, in order to prepare the
coming of communism during the war?
The first case — the first termite hill — would then
have appeared on one of the islands in the Antarctic Ocean, followed soon after
by another in an Archipelago in the same general area. The hypothesis does have
its consistency.
However, in this case it is indispensable not to
discard yet another hypothesis consistent with the previous one. Diplomatic
tension is increasing between
But it happens that
Would it not be that
In Itamarati (the Ministry of Foreign Relations) I see
one of those most beautiful and glorious institutions of which our country has
very few. So I hope with all my heart that Itamarati will know how to see the
problem as a whole, and not merely the rights and interests of
It is worth running the risk of so many dangers just
because of the...
Someone might ask, what connection can there possibly
be between trouble spots so far apart as the
If there is a connection between
Folha de S. Paulo,