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With this modest work, we aim to continue making the thought of the late Professor Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira more widely known.

Prof. Corrêa de Oliveira was not only a prolific writer (see biography, p. 121) but also gave thousands of public and private meetings during the course of his life. All of these are now in the process of being organised and indexed so that all may benefit from the depth and richness of his thought.

He has received many eulogies regarding his works from illustrious persons, both religious and secular. We quote just a few:

* Giuseppe Cardinal Pizzardo praised Prof. Corrêa de Oliveira’s book The Church and the Communist State: The Impossible Coexistence, saying that it was “a most faithful echo of all the Documents of the supreme Magisterium of the Church…”.

* Fr. Anastasio Gutiérrez, a renowned Catholic canonist, wrote in a letter to Prof. Corrêa de Oliveira that Revolution and Counter-Revolution “… is a masterly work whose teachings should be disseminated far and wide so as to penetrate the conscience not only of those who consider themselves truly Catholic, but I would say even more, of all other men of good will”.

* The world famous historian George Bordonove, in his foreword to the French edition of Prof. Corrêa de Oliveira’s book Nobility and Traditional Analogous Elites in the Allocutions of Pius XII, comments: “This work is remarkable in all aspects, notably for the abundance and rigorous exactness of its documentation, the author’s universal culture, his solid argumentation, and the transparency of his thought.”

The present compilation takes as its theme an institution forming an integral part of the name of our association: The Family. The material is taken from a few sources. Part I includes three meetings whose transcripts Prof. Corrêa de Oliveira never had the time to review: 1) excerpts from a public speech against divorce entitled “Tradition and Family Continuity in the Draft Bill for the Brazilian Civil Code”, which was delivered in the Auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce of São Paulo in 1966 in the presence of a government minister; 2) a meeting given to TFP members on “Lineages in the Origins of the Middle Ages”; and 3) a meeting given to TFP members on Aseity. Additionally, in the hope of adding greater clarity and examples closer to home, we have included a few excerpts from different authorities in these matters.

Part II is taken from an article written in 1986 by Dr. Murillo Galliez, a close collaborator of Prof. Corrêa de Oliveira, entitled “The Crisis of the Family in an Urbanised and Industrialised Society”. It provides us with a deeper understanding of the details of how this destruction of the family has taken place in the late-modern and post-modern eras.

In reading this short work, we hope you gain meaningful and constructive insights into how we can be a positive force for good today, as well as becoming more acquainted with the late Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, who dedicated his whole life to bringing about a restoration of Christian civilisation.

Tradition, Family, Property Association



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